We wanted to send a note of thanks to all of the members who attended the Hustings on Monday 24th September, where we had the choice between two strong candidates; Rob and Kieran. We are delighted that Kieran was selected at our open primary. He has certainly lived up to his promise of working hard to deliver a Conservative MP at the next election from the very next day!
You can catch up with all the news about Kieran on his social media pages here:
On Friday we held a drinks reception so that members could meet our new Parliamentary Candidate where he held his first (of many!) raffle draw. Thank you to all of those who attended and for those who were unable to make it, there will be lots of opportunities to meet Kieran in the next few weeks.
At the Meet and Greet we mentioned that there are a lot of ways that you could help out - it’s not just knocking on doors (though clearly this is a critical activity).
We need your help
How can you help us to maintain our current wards, win our target wards and return a Conservative MP for Crewe and Nantwich?
There are lots of things to do but every bit helps. Signing up new members is particularly important.
- Making teas and coffees for the troops
- Delivering leaflets on your street
- Folding newsletters and other items for the campaign team to use out and about
- Helping to run the Street stall outside Churchyardside on Farmers market and other busy days
- Bundling leaflets & newsletters into rounds for the campaign teams to deliver
- Out with the campaign teams knocking on doors, asking residents to complete our survey
- Printing our campaign literature
- Driving campaigners to campaign sites
- Data input from survey
- Collecting completed surveys from letterboxes– you don’t need to speak to anyone; you can grab a brew and start half an hour after the rest of the team!
- Helping out at ward surgeries
- Canvassing voters on the doorstep
Making phone calls from the office can really help us to:
- Remind party members of events
- Ask pledged voters to sign up for postal voting
- Gain commitment from pledges to go out and vote
- Call potential members and ask them to join
Our dedicated Campaign Manager, David McNeilage, sends out a regular email detailing the campaign and support activities are happening within Crewe and Nantwich. Please have a read and get in touch if you can help us in any way.
The Autumn newsletter was available at the hustings last week but for those who were unable to make it, we have attached a copy to this email.
As you will see in the newsletter, we are still looking for Cheshire East and Town (Crewe and Nantwich) Council candidates. If you are interested, or know someone that is interested, please get in touch with either of us to find out how easy it is to stand.
Fundraising & Events
Finally, there are a number of events taking place over the next few months, some old favourites and some new events to try; check them out on the newsletter. As tradition dictates, we will be holding a raffle so, If you can’t attend the event, but would like to support us by buying some raffle tickets, watch out for the email announcing when they are available